We have been operating under the same ownership for over 25 years, serving the residents of Woburn and the surrounding cities and towns. Our goal is to help people enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. Whether you are an individual or represent a corporation, you understand the benefit of being encouraged to improve your health by increasing your energy, thus allowing for a more productive life with family and in the workplace. It is our goal to help you achieve your fitness potential!

Unlimited Group Exercise Classes: Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Cycling, Kickboxing, Personal Training. Free Weights, Hammer Strength, Icarian, Life Fitness Selectorized Machines. Top-of-the-Line Cardio Equipment.

New Updated Hours:

Mon  - Thurs  5:00am - 8:30pm

Friday           5:00am - 8:00pm

Saturday        7:00am - 4:00pm

Sunday          8:00am - 3:00pm

Attention:  8:00am Kickbox, 9:00am Spinning Class and 10:15 Yoga are canceled for Sunday February 9th due to Snow Storm.

"Class Pass Members"  Please check  our group exercise schedule. We cannot upload our current schedule on "ClassPass"

  Group Exercise Schedule